Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions.

For security reasons, my address is available upon request.

Tel: 07703 124412. Email: tim@timgander.co.uk

Here I outline the terms upon which I trade with my customers.

My duty to you.

Customer satisfaction is very important to me, so I undertake to act as swiftly and as fairly as I can and to the best of my ability to resolve any issues you may have with this service.

My print vendor (the business which fulfils and despatches your print order) is OneVision Ltd. In the event of any problem with an order, I will do my best to work with you and OneVision to resolve any issues in a timely manner. All I ask is that you agree to assist me with your query by providing any reasonable information I may request in order to resolve your issue.

Your rights:

The rights you acquire when purchasing a print allow you to display your print in a home or personal office/work space. If you would like to display my prints in a public space, or a commercial space normally accessible to the general public, you will need to contact me to negotiate a suitable licence fee.

Copyright and licensing.

Copyright statement: Tim Gander hereby asserts his Copyright and all Moral Rights in all his own works. The applicable law is the UK Copyright Designs and Patents Act (1988) including all subsequent amendments to that act.

If you would like to use any of my images in any printed material or on a website, blog etc, regardless of the nature of the publication, you must request permission from me first. Please contact me via tim@timgander.co.uk or call on 07703 124412 and I'll be happy to discuss your requirements.

A few words on copyright.

Copyright in all the photographic works featured on this site is the property of me, the photographer Tim Gander, unless otherwise stated.

The term "copyright" refers to the rights I own in any work I produce and the rights I own in any copies or duplications of those works, regardless of how they are made (print, digital, or some other technology yet to be invented) and regardless of whoever makes such copies, duplications etc. In other words, my copyright exists in every work I make, regardless of where and how it exists.

Copyright extends to any works produced without my express permission, therefore even if someone duplicates a print or digital file of one of my photographs without my permission, I have the legal right to request the destruction of such works. I will also demand a payment for breach of copyright. Under UK law this will amount to the fee I would have charged had the work been legally reproduced, plus a percentage uplift (or multiplier) of the fee reflecting the flagrancy of the copyright infringement plus any legal costs should you refuse any offer I choose to make to settle out-of-court.

To put it simply, unless you have bought a print for personal display, purchased a licence to publish my work, or have my express permission to print or display my work in any form, please leave my work where you found it.

If you are in any doubt about the rights you have to use or display photographs purchased from me, please get in touch directly at tim@timgander.co.uk

These Terms and Conditions may be updated from time to time, so please ensure you always refer to the latest version.

T&Cs version date 3rd March 2021.